
About Us

E-publication is a platform where the authors' research article is given top priority and is reviewed by our editors and peers in the respective research fields of study. We are a highly cited, open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed article publishing authority that offers increased acceptance rates to authors and researchers worldwide.

We are cooperative, collaborative, & supportive of building inclusion, equality, accessibility, and diversity in scholarly publication. We are a publishing service that was founded in 2014 in Gurgaon, India and estabilished in 2023. We have been publishing research articles with many reputable research database journals since then, including SCOPUS by Elsevier, Web of Science, formerly known as Thomson Reuters, UGC Care, Google Scholar, PubMed, ABDC, DOAJ, SJR, and others. In addition to this, we give the incoming research article the Crossref & DOI indexing facility that gives the authors’ article a high journal impact factor ratio. We cover almost all fields of scholarly engagement, namely, Engineering, medicine, Pharmaceutical, Psychology, Law, Business, Education, and the list goes on. We provide article publishing services in journals ranging from open access to closed access, and from free to paid publication. We are pleased to announce that we have already served 10,000+ satisfied customers in 180+ countries and counting. We are extremely proud of the services we provide to our esteemed authors and promise to continue to do so.

We are the best at comprehending the author and resolving issues with their work, such as choosing a specific journal from our list of indexed journals that are pertinent to his research in accordance with his particular needs. In order to grant our author access to our citation and reference search databases, we allow them full leverage. Researchers, Students, Ph.D. scholars, lecturers, professors, scientists, H.O.D.s, principals of any institution, personnel of companies—the list goes on—are just a few of our clientele. We maintain credibility, assurance, a client-centered mindset, and a rapid publication schedule. Our services are geared toward individuals and organizations in a variety of fields, providing them with high-quality research assistance and ensuring their satisfaction with our work. Our team is dedicated to delivering accurate and dependable results while focusing on meeting the specific needs of each client.

Our Mission

To provide the author's article with the necessary resources and analysis in order for their research work to be published in world-renowned journals indexed in SCOPUS, Web Of Science, UGC, Google Scholar, SJR, SCI, JCR, DOAJ, PubMed, and other databases so that their article meets the required indexed journal standards and is recognized on an international level.

Our Vision

To broaden our network to all types of researchers, regardless of the research field, and to all corners of the globe, breaking down language and country barriers in order to publish their articles in the world&appos;s best citation-indexed journals and to become the world&appos;s most trusted article publisher.